Friday, May 22, 2009

strawberry rhubarb pie

with the help of my lovely new neighbor erin, we each made a fabulous strawberry rhubarb pie with the giant stalks of rhubarb growing in my yard. when asked to pick 6-7 stalks, i was inspired by their color and had to take some "portraits." the process was fun; from cutting the fruit to rolling out the handmade dough - we enjoyed an already hot evening with the oven on, but it was well worth it as we discovered this morning over pie & coffee.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a weekend in Door County, WI.

here's an array of images from our trip up to door county, wisconsin. my in-laws retired up in sister bay almost 10 years ago now and it's such a treat to visit them. we did lots of hiking, took merritt the 'wonder dog' to the beach and even stumbled upon wild morel mushrooms. they completely freak me out, but dan says they were quite tasty sauted in butter!